
MY OZ DREAM is dedicated to supporting you comprehensively before and during your studies.

In this section you can find an analysis of the differences between Australian cities. For more information you can always contact one of our consultants and follow our blog or Facebook page which is constantly updated with useful information, links and promotions.

City: Perth

Climate: Mediterranean

Cost: High

General Information

Perth is the capital of Western Australia, and with a population of 2 Million people, it represents thefourth largest city in Australia.

With four seasons, and a moderate Mediterranean climate, Perth is famous for it’s beaches and natural beauty. The main economic activity of the area is Mining and there are opportunities to have large salaries. This city provides high living standards and guarantees an authentic Australian experience


 Pros Cons
Amazing beaches
High salaries (especially in Mining)
Great highway system
No traffic
Limited Public Transportation
Large distances