VET and TAFE courses are practical in nature and focus on specific disciplines/ professions. These types of courses, usually last 1 year, and could be a path way to superior studies too, however, due to their practical nature they are mostly designed to prepare students to join the workforce

Generally, there are four levels of VET/ TAFE courses:

  • Certificate I, II: basic level courses, introductory training for a specific function or profession.
  • Certificate III, IV: average level courses, with a elevated level of depth that certify expertize.
  • Diploma: advanced level studies, that go beyond basic structures of knowledge and stimulate the student’s creativity and ability to juggle complex technical skills.
  • Advanced Diploma: advanced level studies, that tend to focus in very specific areas of knowledge and explore a higher level of complexity and personal responsibility.

What is the difference between VET and TAFE courses?

TAFE courses are generally more demanding, offer a higher variety of subjects and the final internships can be payed. TAFE courses are also know for having a very high number of Australian students so these are ideal for students wanting to submerse themselves in the culture.

There is a very wide range of Courses available.  You can see some of the more popular courses below, but please speak to a Consultant to receive a full updated list of courses interesting to you and respective pricing information.

Business and Management Aged Care & Nursing Engineering Accounting Art & Design Childcare IT

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