
MY OZ DREAM is dedicated to supporting you comprehensively before and during your studies.

In this section you can find an analysis of the differences between Australian cities. For more information you can always contact one of our consultants and follow our blog or Facebook page which is constantly updated with useful information, links and promotions.

City: Melbourne

Climate: Temperate Oceanic

Cost: High

General Information

Melbourne is the capital of the state of Victoria, and the sporting and cultural center of Australia. This multicultural metropolis with 4,6 Million people, is situated on the large natural bay of Port Phillip and is famous for its Victorian architecture.

Melbourne rates very highly in education, health care, tourism, entertainment and sport, making it the world's most livable city for the sixth year in a row in 2016, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.


 Pros Cons
  Very high living standards
Creative, fashionable and event active city
Modern metropolis with omnipresent Victorian Architecture
Unpredictable Weather
Traffic (For Australian standards)